
short film day 2017


On 21 December - the shortest day of the year - short films are shown all over Germany. Marketplaces and backyards will turn into open-air cinemas, shop windows and house walls in projection screens. Film theaters, from municipal cinemas to program cinemas to multiplexes, public institutions, associations, companies and individuals organize their own film events. Whether on- or off-line, in-house or outdoor, whether on professional screen or improvised screen, whether own films, pre-films or compiled film programs - at many events nationwide the short film is celebrated!





LIMA on 21.12.2017 at 7:30 pm (entrance free):


ON THE EDGE - Top video artists from Poland


Piotr Bosacki > Dzięki uprzejmości artysty

                            [With the Artist's Kind Permission] (10'10" )
Karolina Breguła > Wyjście [Leaving]  (2’53“)
Wojciech Bruszewski > YYAA  (2’56”)
Aleksandra Chciuk > Syreny [Sirens]  (3’11’’)
Aneta Grzeszykowska > Black  (11'39“)
Izabela Gustowska > My Europe  (1’09“)
Paweł Hajncel > Ghost train  (2’00'')
Anna Konik > Our Lady`s Forever  (15'40’’)
Piotr KotlickiHey there, in the valley  (8’12”)
Konrad Kuzyszyn >  Urywki [Clips]  (2’58'')
Igor Krenz > Activity on the rock  (0'37'')
Dominik Lejman > 60s Cathedral making of  (11'38“)
Wiktor Polak > Blisko [Close]  (5’26’’)
Józef Robakowski > Idę [I'm going]  (2’58”)
Mates Sadowski > It takes time  (3’13“)


Presented by Piotr Kotlicki


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Stadt Esslingen a.N.
Land Baden-Württemberg
Förderkreis LIMA e.V.